
This is an AI translated post.


Get international traffic using WordPress plugins

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Using WordPress translation plugins allows you to receive URLs translated into various languages, like durumis, but translation quality is uncertain.
  • Especially due to the characteristics of Korean, translation can become awkward due to subject omissions, and this could potentially be judged as low-quality content by Google's search engine.
  • While using translation plugins or durumis is attractive to attract international traffic, SEO penalty factors due to awkward translations must be considered.

I was reminded of the durumis service.

There is a plugin for WordPress that provides translation.

I understand that if you use that plugin, you can provide URLs in various languages even if you post in Korean only, like durumis.

I don't know exactly how good the translation quality is.

I don't know exactly how durumis translates or how good the translation quality is.

This is because I don't have knowledge of those languages.

To create correct sentences using language translation, you need to write Korean sentences well.

That way, it will be translated well without any awkwardness.

However, because of the characteristics of the Korean language, there are many cases where the subject is omitted, so it will not be translated well.

You can easily see this by simply running it through a translator.

Therefore, you should always include the subject in the sentence so that the translation will be smooth.

However, if you create sentences like this, Korean will become awkward.

Even if the translated text is awkward, there will be no major problems in understanding the content.

However, the problem is the level of SEO.

Google is at a high level, so it can also evaluate the context.

You can see that just by looking at the search results.

If you search for 'bank account opening' on Naver, documents that do not have the keyword 'bank account opening' will appear.

Articles related to account opening will appear.

If you search for 'bank account opening' on Google, only those that contain 'bank account opening' will appear in the search results.

That's the difference in level.

Anyway, what happens when Google judges a sentence that is awkwardly translated?

It seems that it could be considered as a strange article or an article of low quality.

If you use plugins or durumis, you can expect overseas traffic, but

I wonder if there are SEO penalty factors due to awkward translations.

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